Singing Guide: Michelle Lewis

Singing Guide: Michelle Lewis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Michelle's Vocal Technique

Michelle's singing voice is characterized by her breathy and soft tone, with a slight huskiness to it. To achieve this signature sound, she relies on proper breath support, good posture, and relaxed throat muscles. Here are a few tips to help you achieve Michelle's vocal style:

  • Breathe properly: Michelle uses diaphragmatic breathing to produce a relaxed and supported sound. To breathe properly, inhale deeply, feeling your stomach expanding as the air fills your lungs. Then, exhale slowly and steadily, feeling your stomach contract. Practice this breathing exercise to improve your breathing technique.
  • Keep good posture: Michelle stands up straight with her shoulders relaxed and her feet hip-width apart. This posture allows her to breathe properly and sing with ease while avoiding tension in her neck and shoulders. Check out this video to learn more about good singing posture.
  • Relax your throat: Michelle sings with a relaxed throat to achieve her breathy tone. To achieve this, yawn before singing, and then try to mimic the sensation of your throat opening up and relaxing. This exercise can help you achieve a more relaxed and natural singing voice.

Michelle's Songs

To learn how to sound like Michelle Lewis, you need to know her songs well. Michelle's music is known for its emotional lyrics and catchy melodies. Here are some of her most famous songs along with links to their lyrics, sheet music, and chords:

  • Run Run Run: This is one of Michelle's most famous songs, and it showcases her soft singing voice and catchy melodies. Check out her Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how Michelle hits all the right notes.
  • Dig Me Out: This song is a great example of Michelle's emotional delivery and how she incorporates a raspy quality to her voice. You can use Singing Carrots' Song Search tool to find similar songs for your voice range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Make It Right: This song features a more upbeat tempo, and showcases Michelle's ability to write lyrics that connect with audiences. Check out Singing Carrots' 21-lesson singing course to improve your own songwriting skills.
  • Memory Machine: This song is an excellent example of how Michelle uses her soft voice to deliver powerful and emotional lyrics. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test can help you identify your own vocal range and compare it to Michelle's.

Other Resources

In addition to the articles and exercises provided earlier, here are some extra resources to help you learn to sing like Michelle Lewis:

  • Pitch Training Game: Singing Carrots' Pitch Training Game offers an interactive way to improve your pitch accuracy and agility.
  • Breath Support Article: Singing Carrots' article on Breath Support can help you learn how to use your breath correctly while singing.
  • Open Mouth and Throat Article: Singing Carrots' article on Why to Open Mouth and Throat While Singing offers tips on how to sing with a relaxed and open throat.
  • Voice Types Article: Singing Carrots' article on What's a Voice Type, Why Classify Mine? can help you identify your own vocal range and how to improve it.


If you want to learn to sing like Michelle Lewis, start by discovering her unique vocal technique and mastering it.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.